Mount a remote filesystem locally
rclone mount "remote":/path /target/ --vfs-cache-mode full --drive-skip-gdocs
Dependency fuse3
is needed.
The remote can be mounted also with --read-ony
instead of --vfs-cache-mode full
Example bashrc:
alias mgdrive='rclone mount gdrive:/ /home/andresguerrero/Documents --vfs-cache-mode full --drive-skip-gdocs&>
Unmount filesystem
fusermount -u /target/
To mount drives in Windows, install:
start /min rclone mount gdrive:/ G: --vfs-cache-mode full --drive-skip-gdocs --volname gdrive --no-console
Libre office create ~lock* files, that causes errors in rclone, to avoid the creation of those files, go to Tools > Options > Libre Office > Advanced > Open Expert Conf.. > Search UseLocking, and set to 'false'
Sync a local folder with a remote folder (WARNING: it overwrites everything).
rclone sync /local/directory alias: -P --fast-list --track-renames -v
Sample sync. crontab
crontab -e
@reboot sleep 15s && rclone mount --vfs-cache-mode full gdrive: /local/dir&>/dev/null&
Sync example with gdrive
rclone sync --drive-skip-gdocs --cache-rps 25 --tpslimit 5 gdrive: /local/dir
Start web server
# apache2-utils is required
touch /path/to/file
htpasswd -B /path/to/file user
rclone serve http alias:/ --addr --htpasswd /path/to/file
Tags linux command